table of contents

0.1 - abstract.........................................
0.2 - preface..........................................
0.3 - points of interests to readers...................
0.4 - revision history.................................
1.1 - primary motive behind skid psychology...........
1.2 - reactions to specific stimuli....................
1.3 - different levels of reaction to specific stimuli.
1.4 - native and acquired traits of skids..............
1.5 - skid instincts...................................
1.6 - emotional disparity in skid personalities........
1.7 - skid sensations and presumptions.................
1.8 - logistics of skids...............................
1.9 - hierarchial structure of skid tiers..............

0.1 abstract

Skid psychology is a broad term describing the inherent psychology behind people of personalities which can be described as skiddy or having certain skiddiness, in this post we define the attribute of skid as applicable to someone whose personality exhibits, at least, all the following features:

  • Unjustified egotism, that is, a relatively narrow and over-rated bar of expectation for oneself
  • Stubborn attitude towards one’s own ability, that is, a constant and very improne to change knowledge-base
  • A relative sense of superiority in one or many topics, that is, for those whom the skid may consider unfamiliar, the skid may make assumptions with respect to his own egotism and bloated social norms
  • A lack of foresight, inability to see the broader view, very specific knowledge

In this post, I will describe the variants of a skid with respect to my own experience in the field of talking and dealing with skids, note that there are a multitude of exceptions to everything listed above, skid psychology is in actuality no different to human psychology, rather a specific subvariant.

keywords: skid, skid psychology, skiddy, skiddiness

0.2 preface

I write this post from a perspective of anecdotal experience seeking to further my writing capacity and delve into my own brain, I have no academic qualifications regarding psychology. I do not write this to address any individual entity nor group. If you feel that there is something inaccurate or incorrect, e-mail me at or add my Discord at unazed#9136 (may change).

Started: Jan. 23, 2019, 11:20 p.m.

Finished: Jan. 25, 2019, 4:24 p.m.

0.3 points of interests to readers

Certain points of interests in the post to readers whose goal is to tl;dr through the post are here:

  • 1.1 explains how to get out of skiddiness and the personality features
  • 1.2 explains what triggers a skid to feel or do something
  • 1.3 explains what mental levels certain triggers activate, abstract concept introduced of the centers
  • 1.4 explains how feature inheritance works in skid personalities as the skid grows
  • 1.5 explains how to predict skids, what they’ll do in scenarios, etc.
  • 1.6 explains how skids feel emotion towards certain triggers, as explained in 1.2 and visualized in 1.3
  • 1.7 explains how skids think logically, and the presumptions made when talking to someone
  • 1.8 explains in depth how the skid logic processes works
  • 1.9 explains the total hierarchy of skids, and the processes gone through during development

0.4 revision history

This revision history is only recorded for changes applied post-finish:

1/25/2019 4:49pm: Clarifications, word-choice and spelling mistakes corrections up to section `1.5` from `1.1`
1/25/2019 4:54pm: Monospace font applied to `0.4`, plus clarification
1/25/2019 4:55pm: Removed `the` from `1.1` for pronounciative fluidity
1/25/2019 4:57pm: Paragraph segmentation for several sections
1/25/2019 5:00pm: Fixed mistake in `1.9`, added finishing sentences
1/25/2019 5:02pm: Added redundant clarification in `1.9` bc y not
1/27/2019 4:02pm: Added an ultimate paragraph to `1.9`
1/27/2019 4:03pm: `argumenative` to `argumentative` in `1.8`
1/27/2019 4:09pm: Added a note to `1.9`
1/27/2019 4:10pm: Adjusted `0.3` with accordance to 4:02pm
1/28/2019 3:21pm: Changed title to sound more professional!!!
3/26/2019 2:45pm: `an non-human` => `a non-human` thx sammy-sam

1.1 primary motive behind skid psychology

Skid psychology is the descriptive term that I will use to refer to the general applications and applicative varieties of all sorts of skids, named and unnamed, as to every skid, there is a common base personality. This personality is (temporally) based, axiomatically, on the given attributes above in the abstract, the important parenthetic here is illustrative of that skids are not bound to be permanently of their demeanor for as long as they live; skiddiness is primarily revolved around unhumbleness and lack of foresight as mentioned before. These characteristics are negated by the natural development of the brain, and course of life.

Many of these attributes are so due to immaturity, which is generally due to the age of the skid; which is why you cannot automatically classify every accomplished child with specialized knowledge as a skid, since it is not objective to say that the child is going to be egotistic or feel stubborn about their knowledge or intellect, although you could statistically allude to the higher chance of this being true.

The stages that are present in the attempted due course of acquittal from the toxic personality of a skid, are as follows:

  • Realization: the realization that the skid is not unique, not knowledgeable nor able to find solace in pretending to be so
  • Self-adjustment: the attempt to fix one’s own path by changing one’s attitude towards people they might consider lower in terms of relative knowledge, or attempt to understand and be able to come to terms with the realization stage
  • Motivation or demotivation: after noticing that the skid is not as superb as they thought they were, they come to realize that in order to truly strive for excellence they must put genuine effort and show attempt to become better in terms of personality and knowledge. This will pivot on the passion presented by the skid towards the field in which they wish to become versed in. There are types of skids that only require achieval in a very narrow subset of a broader topic, and thereupon discovering the broader field, they dismiss it, which is a cause of most demotivation
  • Accomplishment: if the skid is motivated, and they decide to lead their own hobbies with effort and hard-work, the skid will notice that they will start understanding more things than they did in prior. They will notice the exponentiality of growth which incurs from this hard-work as a reciprocal of the effort from nature

At the end of the journey of the skid, where they depart or finish studying their certain field, it is not to say that they cannot feel accomplished and somewhat egotistic, it is only natural, the skid personality is however a combination of bloated egotism which does not suffice for the actual knowledge that the skid has. Egotism is however not the only factor of a skid’s personality, simply an individual trait.

These stages may not necessarily be completed in whole, as obviously shown by the stage of motivation/demotivation, it is a decision of the skid to make to pursue their passions, if they do not wish to do so, they may revert back to their old personality and do so for a long, long time, until they grow up or rebound and rewind to the stage of rerealization whereupon they will reprocess the stages, again. It is increasingly more likely that they will find a glint of motivation upon the second pass, for if they keep declining the process of elevation to a societally acceptable personality, they will not succeed in life, not without hard-work, which is the converse idealism of the skid.

1.2 reactions to specific stimuli

Skids, as all humans, have reactions to stimuli. I define stimuli as an invocative process which may ‘trigger’ the skid as a result of their personality clashing against the otherwise (arguably) neutral process. Skids, in specific to their egotistic personalities, heavily react to attempts to hurt or backlash their bloated personalities, as it attacks the very core of the skid’s personality. As, if you attack the purpose of a human to live, love, and pursue life and their hobbies, there will be nothing positive gained from the reasonable person. It is a topic which is common to all humans, however skiddiness is both developed and an environmental attitude, it may be influenced by others, and may come directly from the skid themselves. A skid does not want to feel that they are irrelevant in the grand perspective of all things, they want to feel special and unique.

As per this given, we can define general stimuli which would trigger certain emotions in the skid:

  • Given that they understand the definition of a skid, if you call them by such a term they will feel afflicted and defensive due to the connotations presented by the word, meaning ‘retarded’, ‘incapable’, or ‘pseudo-intellectual’
  • Congratulating them or complimenting something that which they have done will give them delusions of ability and competence; skids thrive on compliments from those who lack ability in the certain topic on which they are complimenting the skid on, ignorance is bliss NOTE: I don’t mean to say that only incompetent people compliment skids, simply talking for a majority
  • Treating them as an equal to one another may cause feelings of annoyment or otherwise unsatisfaction due to the generalization and loss of attention towards the skid
  • Attempting to question them about the certain subject in which they loosely specialize will trigger a fight or flight reponse, such that, if the person’s competency is higher and obviously so, the skid will attempt to reach for other objects of study, or otherwise dismiss the person, but acknowledge that they know more, and in doing so, become anxious talking to them or someone related to them (demonstrative of transferral of emotion)
  • Dismissing the skid will trigger the same response as if you were to treat them as an equal
  • Damaging their ego will embed the person into the skid’s lifestyle for the while that they require to recover their ego, that is, keeping the person long enough to find their own flaws and insecurities to an extent; skids are generally manipulative because of this, and their, expressive, pseudo-incisive demeanor placed onto others

A major part of the stimuli listed above are derivative to one of their more general, and primitive human traits, but in coalescence they form a very arrogant and stubborn, toxic personality.

1.3 different levels of reaction to specific stimuli

I cannot say that each stimulus creates effect on the constantly same centers, i.e., emotional centers, speech centers, and so forth, skids are not biologically different to humans, they only have different ways of processing information and outputting responses.

Here are the main centers of a skid, attributive to their personalities:

  • Emotional: The center that derives and responds with emotional response to a certain stimulus, sadness, neutrality, anger/frustration and so forth
  • Speech: The center that derives the logical (usually) fragmentation of sentences in natural language, influenced by the emotional center if it is invoked in subsequence
  • Imagination: The center invoked whenever a skid is possibly challenged, forcing them to use recall skills and their intellectual capacity to problem-solve; this center can be influenced by the emotional center, not in terms of output rather of obstacle, blocking certain imagination

As we can see, speech and imagination are both influenced in one way or another by the emotional center, as it is the epitome of being human, that is, having emotion, empathy and sympathy. In order to understand the skid, you must dive head deep into the emotional center in order to outwardly understand the speech and imagination centers.

To illustrate the importance of the emotional center, take the situation of a skid who is faced with a dilemma, whether to pick between his social circle or some super cool hacker tool, one retains his sociality, the other attains a degree of power and control. Of course, the skid has the highest chance of picking the latter, due to his narrow emotional center, the skid cannot see past power and his own ego.

The skid may attempt to justify this choice, trying to find loopholes, but in the end, they picked a non-human object over the active choice of socialization. Generally, skids have a background of anti-sociality. It is well known that over the internet people become dissociated and are unable to comprehend situations as if they were face-to-face, and this is the perfect place for the antisocial person, or specifically, skid.

Due to the disconnected nature of the internet, the skid may express themselves in whatever way they would like. This is the main cause of the unhealthy personality procured by skids, that of egotism and self-centeredness. Whomever else could one ‘center’ upon, given that the closest thing to you is only the medium of accessing the internet, and the individual themselves? It is a predicament which results in a personality with inherent disconnection to others, this disconnection allows room for self-centeredness to grow, as a social inhibition, without the sociality there is little room for social development, which prohibits growing a healthy social personality.

A detail that I haven’t mentioned, is that power is also a driving factor behind the skiddy personality; the want for one’s own control, excellence in ability to surpass others and be able to do wrong to those lower in the ‘power hierarchy’. The want to have power is a naturally egotistic desire, it is the capacity to do things that others cannot or act in a certain way whilst being acceptable. In other words, it is the desire to be able to do things that others cannot. More simply, it is the desire to be more capable. That is not to say that powerful people are definitively egotistic, there is a very thick difference between having power and wanting power. You may have power, but not want it; or, you may have power, but not care to enact on it to its fullest degree, effectively only having the societal (if any) benefit of having the power. And so, we prove that power is a derivative of egotistic desire, hence not separately classified as a trait of a skid’s personality.

Furthermore to the title, I will list the certain stimuli mentioned in the prior section and describe the centers affected:

  • Calling a skid, a skid, will invoke the emotional center via. the same pathway that attempting to intimidate or square up to someone might, on the virtual degree, hereafter primarily invoking the speech center as there is typically more response value than there is emotional value
  • Complimenting the skid will invoke the emotional center, a skid wouldn’t generally need to respond to something that they would already outwardly express, that is, competence and ability, however the skid knows themselves and may take compliments as acceptance of themselves from perspectives of other people, therefore provoking the skid’s egotism further
  • Treating a skid as an equal will equally invoke the emotional and speech centers, a skid wants to feel powerful, but also appreciated and well-known (relevant), the emotional aspect is the want to be known, the speech center is the proprietor of this want, there is a direct proportion between the two
  • Inquiring about the skid’s certain subject of specialty, in a way that may seem as questioning of their integrity, will provoke all of the centers intensively, if the skid feels competition then they will defend themselves and their ego, and their relevance
  • Dismissing a skid is much like trying to ignore a hungry dog, you can ignore it all whilst it doesn’t bark at you or try to bite at you, analogous to the attention that a skid would demand and whatever derogatory terms they may throw at you in due course of this dismissal, it will invoke the emotional center and the speech center
  • Damaging their ego is similar to unclogging a heavily clogged toilet, like, heavily. Piece by piece a person can start freeing up their ‘shit’ personality, the more a person manages to effectively attack their ego the more comprehension they will have of their own ability as relative to the person, and if the person recognizes they aren’t infinitely knowledgeable, it will transfer part by part the longer that the person stays. Although it is not fully effective, for that, it would require a person capable of fully transforming one another’s personality, and within every skid’s personality there will always lay some intrinsic property of egotism (as there is in most or all humans), it is not removable as it would make one non-human

1.4 native and acquired traits of skids

As explained in previous sections, the personality of skid is acquired from environmental and/or developmental factors during the childhood and possibly adulthood of the skid. However, if we speak relative to the base personality, i.e., egotistic, stubborn, faux superiority and lack of foresight, then there are many personality traits that can be added onto this base stack, both through environmental and developmental factors, examples of environmental factors could be:

  • The more a skid is around more skids, the greater the effect and strength of personality is embedded within the skid, they begin to think it is socially acceptable to have a skiddy personality because they have this pretend-sense of sociality within their own type of personalities, which is by no means bad to be around your own type of people, however being around bad influences is traditionally bad; and this is an example of so
  • If the skid is, in real life, going to a school where they are considered outcasted or weird, this could rebound in the form of aggression over the internet as there is no presumption a person can make before talking to someone from nothing, as the person cannot see their face nor smell them or activate any of the senses. The person can only start to form a valid opinion after having talked with the skid to any degree, over real-life there are many more factors at play and the skid may feel insecure about these
  • The personality can develop as consequence of physical abuse, although this can be specified to the school-environment, domestic and public environments are relevant in analysis equally as well, if the skid is unable to defend themselves in the real world and is defenseless generally, the emotions may again rebound over the internet, in more severe remarks and possibly concerning content

Generally, you can categorize the environmental factors as stemming from either real-world issues or otherwise antisociality, due to the lack of ability to understand social norms and to be able to conform. Developmental factors could be one or more of the following:

  • If the skid becomes more knowledgeable or learns more and is self-aware of this, the skid may become more engraved in his own culture of self-centeredness and pseudo-intellectuality. This may present over a short-term period, or long-term if the skid is taking courses or reading an extended source of information
  • If the skid realizes something themselves which somewhat satisfies the ego of the skid, such as perhaps knowing more than certain people in a real-world environment and being able to complete tasks quicker, or something of those lines, then the skid will feel a sense of accomplishment which is a direct derivative of being unhumble NOTE: This ties in with the previous point, however it is the generalization
  • The skid may see themselves as academically prowessed, or out of the scope of academia, this is namely the ironic point where the skid will start to decrease in achievement due to the boredom that would overcome the skid

As we can see, many of the traits are closely related to the egotism that is basically present in a skid’s personality, however for each factor there comes a denser subset of issues and toxic personality subtraits which would otherwise not cause issues due to the certain realizations that would be made by the skid, about themselves and their intellect. Essentially, a skid skids and becomes further skiddier; it is effortless development, however the same as how if you do nothing there will come bad, the converse is true for skids.

1.5 skid instincts

Skids are instinctively egotistic, as repeated before in other psychological evaluation of the skid personality, if a skid has a opportunity to ‘improve’ their power, or to seem more relevant, they will take it without consideration. Self-progression is the more important aspect of a decision, in the skid’s eyes, unless in the off-chance the skid believes that they will lose out on certain factors which are seemingly useful for auxiliary improvement.

A skid would typically suffer no emotional repercussion to leaving their social circle behind in reach of a higher place with people that the skid believes are more relevant and prestigious. It concludes that skids tend to have very fake relationships with people, only treating them as ‘assets’ of sorts, with value and with purpose. Otherwise, sociality is a factor that can only contribute to the social wealth of the skid and the relevance, hence it would be no matter if somebody the skid considered less important left.

They [skids] also tend to instinctively prey upon weaker personalities, in terms of extrovertedness and ability. In the real-world, this is common, as it is a generally bad thing to have a weak personality and know little as you will be dismissed, but over the internet, where the majority of partakers are there because they all share the same sense of virtuality in common (dissociation), it is pathetic and hypocritical to prey upon less-able people; unless the less-able person has intentionally triggered one of the centers, where it would be appropriate to respond respectively to the center and topic.

More intelligent people are usually targets by skids to stalk and copy-cat, due to the fact that most intelligent people are humble(r) and speak with a less ‘skiddy’ manner, skids realize the fluidity and betterness, and so, try to copy aspects themselves, whether subconsciously or intendingly. It is the instinct of the skid to better oneself.

1.6 emotional disparity in skids personalities

Skids differ by what they do dependent of their mood to normal people, with respect to their specialization and the person or thing at which they feel emotional about. I will table the following emotions: Happiness, sadness, anger, neutrality:

  • Happiness: Whenever the skid feels happy, they tend to be quite like the normal person, they tend to use more of the imagination center due to happiness being statistically more correlated with pursuing what a person enjoys, and skids are typically quite involved in their specialization. The emotion center is hence desensitised in a sense, as it is more probable that the skid will be in forms happy with their ignorance and skiddy personality.
  • Sadness: Whenever the skid is sad, the skid will not be generally able to transgress into emotions of anger or happiness trivially due to invocation, the skid will be using their imagination and emotion centers more actively, as no matter how idiotic I may perceive the skid to naturally be, I cannot say they do not have an imagination enough to think of depressing thoughts. It is common that skids self-harm, abuse drugs and/or come from a violent or detached background, hence resulting to virtuality, and solving their problems in the real-world by methods of passivity. NOTE: Transgression from sadness into anger is much easier than from sadness to happiness, the two states are volatile and prone to change if a certain person says a certain thing; equally, the skid may be further deepened into their sadness or angriness due to a stimulus
  • Anger: The skid is most hyperactive when they are in a state of anger, they are quick to think and cherry-pick wording in order to prove a (typically) fallacious argument, due to their actual inability in their specialization they must result to linguistics. This state can be prolonged, or transgress to happiness if the skid believes that they have surcome a certain obstacle.
  • Neutrality: The skid has a fair transgression chance across all states with respect to their unique variant of the skid personality, neutrality is common whenever the skid is bored or has no-one to converse with, all of the centers are inactive.

The best state to invoke a skid into, such that they are more vulnerable to healthy development of their personality is that of sadness. The skid will be pessimistic, lack the standard-bar of egotism and be sensitive to certain topics, as they generally believe that nobody can hurt their emotions, except when they do it is either taken to angriness, or further embellished into their state of sorrow. Words are most effective during this state, and that of angriness.

If a person has made a skid happy, the skid will feel equivalently happy to talk to the person or share interests, jokes, or whatever to the extent of the happiness. If a person has made a skid sad, the skid will most likely ignore the person and delve into an introverted state of self-reflection. If a person has made a skid angry, the skid will prove to themselves that they are better in one way or another and diminish the person to themselves to their full capacity, this typically ends in the communication being cut with the person, as the skid does not enjoy being in a state of anger. If, otherwise, the skid has been made neutral by a person with no previous exotic state, the skid will do what is best respective to their variant of personality, this may be ignoring, continuing to talk in hope to dig up something interesting, etc.

1.7 skid sensations and presumptions

Skids attest to being intelligent–in this post I call it pseudo-intellectuality–by making a simple presumption before they decide to talk or communicate with anyone that they do not know in any form whatsoever; that is, they are smarter and more competent. In this sense, they are only smart because they think they are, this is topical of ignorance and egotism, the centerpoint of their personality. Due to this native egotism, skids have to deal a lot with the negative side of the people that they meet, and hence they grow a subconscious dictionary of what sort of response continues to imply about the person themselves.

It is similar to the game of chess, if the skid makes presumptions based off the inception of the game, then it is clear that the skid is either very exceptionally talented, or an idiot. Statistics dictates that the skid is an idiot. In chess terms, imagine the game as the argument’s progression: pushes/regressions are equivalent to point clarifications, takes are counterexamples, pins would be equivalent to an attack where the ‘point’/chessman being attacked is protecting the king which is figuratively the basis of the respective arguments, i.e. a point which has inaccuracies, hence leading to the threat towards the basis.

A skid’s argument is equivalent to making 10 moves, resigning, and trying to argue that the opponent lost on a whole new game; this is repeated until the skid wins after either the person resigns, or after he loses due to it being the twentieth game whose topic spans the Atlantic from the first topic.

1.8 logistics of skids

The logistics portrayed by those of the skiddy personality can be very simply summarized, it is to win in oneself. If the skid does not feel like they have won, they will persist; if they think they’ve won, but in reality they haven’t, they will stop. It is very rare that skids accept defeat, if they do then it will not be obvious and there will be excuses. A skid who shows admission to defeat, without beating around the bush is a good skid whose path is paved with accomplishment and healthy development. Skids will often, as implied from the last section, lead the person with whom they argue around multiple specialties (which, obviously, the skid isn’t proficient in any of), the point of an argument for a skid is to show that the other person has made a mistake. If it is not this, it is to hide the fact the skid has made a mistake.

Skids do notice that they make mistakes, it is almost never explicitly shown, because as said before, that is the point of the argument against the person, to show that they’ve made a mistake. It would be unsatisfactory for the skid to show that they have made a mistake. In argumentative logistics, the main ‘weapon’ employed by skids is a colloquial term called a ‘flashcard’. A flashcard is typically a short question regarding a specific matter within the specialty that which the skid is talking about, it is used in the real world to learn by having information on the back, alluding to the answer on the front–however the variation created by skids is much less effective and ascertains the insecurity of the skid themselves, because in reality the skid themselves most likely has no clue what they’re talking about.

The flashcard is given to the person to answer within a small timeframe, e.g., 5 seconds. As the skid counts down 1 second every 250ms, the person is left trying to figure out the obscure question provided, upon the mark of the 1.25th second the skid calls out a derogatory term in order to show that the person has failed to answer the flashcard and thus the skid will place this event in his ‘arsenal’, which the skid may bring up later if the skid is losing a point.

This argumentative logic is very-much found amongst skid communities, it is an attestment to the egotism of the communities and high testosterone, skids will compete due to the confliction of their egotism, but they will also get along, it is a harmony, but it is also a toxic wasteground.

In the rare case that the person answers the flashcards correctly, the skid usually ignores this and either continues flashcarding or otherwise dismisses them and places the person in their mind under the list of people not to argue with, although the tendency of skids always goes towards arguing, this is seldom useful except for short periods; as the skid is prone to say something invalid and the person perhaps will correct them, inciting the skid and making them angry, and thus, it all repeats.

A skid cannot live in harmonious communion with somebody more intelligent and/or capable. In this sense, we can define skids as homogenous, which is, linguistically, the converse of heterogenous; and so due to this attribute skids will not get along with people of most different personalities as it is embedded within their personality.

1.9 hierarchial structure of skid tiers

As conclusion to this chapter, I shall show the most important structural topic surrounding skids, it is the hierarchy of skids. You may see the hierarchy of skids as the illustration figure 1.9.1 shows:

figure 1.9.1

It is of importance to note that the figure above has only a single node which is considered ‘humble’, this is an interesting detail to note as it seems there are only two ultimate paths of the skid, that is to either be humbly intellectual or unhumbly intellectual, it is not to say that it is necessarily bad to be unhumble, but for the unhumbleness to be accredited one must be proficient in a topic to suffice the unhumbleness. It is not the entire fault of the unhumble person for having intellectuality and knowledge, it is both reliant on the person themselves through-in their actions and their natural personality. If we say that the person has derived from a skiddy personality, then it is highly likely that the person will idealistically become unhumbly intellectual, otherwise in the off-chance becoming humbly intellectual which we cannot definitively define as better than the other. Unhumbleness is a trait derivative to intellectuality, it is controllable by certain personalities however a person cannot blame themselves for attaining intellectual prowess, and hereforth acquiring a sense of achievement in the form of unhumbleness (and others). It is a natural trait, unlike humbleness. A person must try and be humble, a person need not try to be unhumble.

That is to say that the consistent terming of unhumbleness throughout the whole hierarchy is due to the skiddy personality, a skid cannot become humble in the interrim of their progression because that would imply they have reached a degree of intellectuality and therefore surpassed the gate of self-development. Note that I define the acquisition of humbleness with an intellectual regard, that is to say that humbleness is partially indicative of an intellectual mindset. In order to become intellectual a person must work very hard and prove to themselves that it is the better route for themselves, not everyone may become fully intellectual, and it is not a goal to aspire to if it is not helpful for the causes of the person. It is however an outstanding personality trait and very subconsciously sought after, because it is a beautiful intellectual harmony.

My hierarchy is defined in some ways, a comedic fashion, as in reality the hierarchy is much much broader and the hierarchy I have created is one of my own anecdotal recall. Each link between the nodes represents a function of relative improvement, except that of the gateway of development as that is a boolean node which is albeit common in all hierarchies regardless of the subnodes; it is a boolean transition dependent on all the factors and the chain of development in prior, as well as the non-skids stage, it is simply an ultimate summary.

NOTE: By non-skids I imply that the personality is humbly intellectual, I’m too lazy to change it

Thanks for reading.