This crackme can be found here. Its level of difficulty is rated at a 3 which probably means I’ll give up at some point, but there’s no wrong in trying. In the case that I do give up, there is source-code which goes along with it, so I can simply look at it. But for the duration of the decompilation, I will be blind to the source.

.text:0000000000000FC0 main            proc near               ; DATA XREF: start+1D↓o
.text:0000000000000FC0                 push    rbp
.text:0000000000000FC1                 push    rbx
.text:0000000000000FC2                 mov     rbp, rsi
.text:0000000000000FC5                 mov     ebx, edi
.text:0000000000000FC7                 sub     rsp, 8
.text:0000000000000FCB                 call    sub_19C6
.text:0000000000000FD0                 test    al, al
.text:0000000000000FD2                 mov     edx, 1
.text:0000000000000FD7                 jz      short loc_1028
.text:0000000000000FD9                 call    sub_1965
.text:0000000000000FDE                 test    al, al
.text:0000000000000FE0                 mov     edx, 2
.text:0000000000000FE5                 jz      short loc_1028
.text:0000000000000FE7                 movsxd  rdi, ebx
.text:0000000000000FEA                 mov     rsi, rbp
.text:0000000000000FED                 call    sub_1190
.text:0000000000000FF2                 cmp     rax, 1
.text:0000000000000FF6                 lea     rdi, aWrong     ; "Wrong"
.text:0000000000000FFD                 jz      short loc_1021
.text:0000000000000FFF                 cmp     rax, 2
.text:0000000000001003                 lea     rdi, aHell86CrackmeP ; "[hell86 crackme] Please pass the flag a"...
.text:000000000000100A                 jz      short loc_1021
.text:000000000000100C                 test    rax, rax
.text:000000000000100F                 lea     rdi, aOk        ; "OK!"
.text:0000000000001016                 lea     rax, s          ; "You have encountered a bug"
.text:000000000000101D                 cmovnz  rdi, rax        ; s
.text:0000000000001021                 call    _puts
.text:0000000000001026                 xor     edx, edx
.text:0000000000001028                 mov     eax, edx
.text:000000000000102A                 pop     rdx
.text:000000000000102B                 pop     rbx
.text:000000000000102C                 pop     rbp
.text:000000000000102D                 retn
.text:000000000000102D main            endp

Note that I’ve changed from gdb to IDA, as, especially for this crackme, I need utility and functionality over a minimal interface (with respect to my ability, of course). Here is the C source-code that I have decompiled (since I don’t trust the Hex-Rays decompiler for shit):

UNKNOWN sub_19C6 (void);
int sub_1190 (int argc, char **argv);

main (int argc, char **argv)
  UNKNOWN res_1 = sub_19C6 ();
  if (!res_1)
      return 1;

  UNKNOWN res_2 = sub_1965 (UNKNOWN);
  if (!res)
      return 2;

  int res_3 = sub_1190 (argc, argv);

  switch (res_3)
    case (1):
      puts ("Wrong");
    case (2):
      puts ("[hell86 crackme] Please pass the flag as a command-line argument.");
    case (0):
      puts ("OK!");
      puts ("You have encountered a bug");

  return 0;

And for the first function call, to sub_19C6 I get the following, after deriving that it initializes some sigaltstack structure:

_Bool init_sigaltstack (void)
  void *stack_base = malloc (8192);
  struct stack_t stackdata;
  if (!data)
      return 0;

  memset (stackdata, 0, sizeof (struct sigalstack));
  // inline opt.: rep stosd

  stackdata.ss_p = stack_base;
  if (!sigaltstack (&stackdata, NULL))
      return 1;
  free (stack_base);
  return 0;

A little bit deeper in, (after analyzing the second function call in main to a signal action register), here’s the disassembly for the custom signal handler (as dumped from GDB, since I’m inconsistent):

   0x0000000008001946:  mov    0xa8(%rdx),%rax
   0x000000000800194d:  lea    0x28(%rdx),%rsi
   0x0000000008001951:  lea    0x2(%rax),%rdi
   0x0000000008001955:  add    $0xe,%rax
   0x0000000008001959:  mov    %rax,0xa8(%rdx)
   0x0000000008001960:  jmpq   0x8001ee0

Which jumps to:

   0x0000000008001ee0:  movzbl 0x8(%rdi),%edx
   0x0000000008001ee4:  lea    0x201195(%rip),%rax        # 0x8203080
   0x0000000008001eeb:  jmpq   *(%rax,%rdx,8)

And we are stuck at this jump, as it relies on %rdx whose value we don’t have. Initially, I thought it was the void * parameter passed to signal handler, casted from ucontext_t, but mov 0xa8(%rdx),%rax invalidates this as there is no such offset 0xa8 in a ucontext_t structure–but it seems so much like a structure access, as lea 0x2(%rax),%rdi is done after, implying a pointer was dereferenced and now another structure within is being used for access. By the first jump, the 0xa8‘th member in %rdx has become %rax + $0xe which is the 0x2th member of the 0xa8th member of %rdx, all plus $0xe.

The latter piece of assembly is most likely referencing an array, so we can check, if we set %rdx = 0, i.e. jmp *(0x8203080 + 0 * 8) = jmp *(0x8203080). We arrive at the value 0x1a1f, which honestly, I have no clue what this could be, perhaps after the calls are registered, just before the ud2 this array will be populated with assembly.

(gdb) x/a 0x8203080
0x8203080:      0x8001a1f
(gdb) x/a 0x8203080+8
0x8203088:      0x8001a20
(gdb) x/a 0x8203080+8+8
0x8203090:      0x8001a39
(gdb) x/a 0x8203080+8+8+8
0x8203098:      0x8001a52

And, indeed, there are things! Functions, to be specific, perhaps we could take a guess and say %rdx = 4, since SIGILL=4 and therefore perhaps by chance we would be right:

   0x0000000008001a6c:  movzbl 0xa(%rdi),%eax
   0x0000000008001a70:  movzbl 0x9(%rdi),%ecx
   0x0000000008001a74:  movzbl 0xb(%rdi),%edi
   0x0000000008001a78:  mov    (%rsi,%rax,8),%rax
   0x0000000008001a7c:  cqto
   0x0000000008001a7e:  idivq  (%rsi,%rdi,8)
   0x0000000008001a82:  mov    %rax,(%rsi,%rcx,8)
   0x0000000008001a86:  retq

This code repeats for all of the signals apparently (if they are even signals), and really I have no idea where to go further with this as I don’t have exactly enough information about the registers. And, I crashed GDB by setting a breakpoint before the jump into the array and the signal handler’s crashed so I can’t CTRL+C or CTRL+Z out of it.

After a few days, thanks to the poster of the answer here I have gotten nowhere, however, again thanks to the poster of that answer I now understand where I should look were I proficient enough to understand how to continue, since I didn’t really trust (not that I disbelieved it, just skeptical due to different environments and possible differences) the answer, I took an attempt at finding the certain offset myself using print (int)&( (((struct ucontext_t*)(0))->member):

(gdb) ptype ucontext_t
type = struct ucontext {
    unsigned long uc_flags;
    struct ucontext *uc_link;
    stack_t uc_stack;
    mcontext_t uc_mcontext;
    __sigset_t uc_sigmask;
    struct _libc_fpstate __fpregs_mem;
(gdb) print (int)&(((struct ucontext*)(0))->uc_mcontext)
$5 = 40
(gdb) print (int)&(((struct ucontext*)(0))->uc_sigmask)
$6 = 296
(gdb) ptype mcontext_t
type = struct {
    gregset_t gregs;
    fpregset_t fpregs;
    unsigned long long __reserved1[8];
(gdb) print (int)&(((struct ucontext*)(0))->uc_mcontext.gregs)
$7 = 40
(gdb) print (int)&(((struct ucontext*)(0))->uc_mcontext.fpregs)
$8 = 224

As we can see, the offset is 168, and offset 168 is within gregs, and so it must be offset 168 - 40 inside gregs, which is gregs[128/8] since gregs is a long long[23], therefore it has to be at offset 16:

(gdb) ptype fpregset_t
type = struct _libc_fpstate {
    __uint16_t cwd;
    __uint16_t swd;
    __uint16_t ftw;
    __uint16_t fop;
    __uint64_t rip;
    __uint64_t rdp;
    __uint32_t mxcsr;
    __uint32_t mxcr_mask;
    struct _libc_fpxreg _st[8];
    struct _libc_xmmreg _xmm[16];
    __uint32_t padding[24];
} *
(gdb) ptype gregset_t
type = long long [23]

If only GDB was useful. Time to dig through /usr/include and use grep:

/* Number of each register in the `gregset_t' array.  */
  REG_R8 = 0,
# define REG_R8         REG_R8
# define REG_R9         REG_R9
# define REG_R10        REG_R10
# define REG_R11        REG_R11
# define REG_R12        REG_R12
# define REG_R13        REG_R13
# define REG_R14        REG_R14
# define REG_R15        REG_R15
# define REG_RDI        REG_RDI
# define REG_RSI        REG_RSI
# define REG_RBP        REG_RBP
# define REG_RBX        REG_RBX
# define REG_RDX        REG_RDX
# define REG_RAX        REG_RAX
# define REG_RCX        REG_RCX
# define REG_RSP        REG_RSP
# define REG_RIP        REG_RIP
# define REG_EFL        REG_EFL
  REG_CSGSFS,           /* Actually short cs, gs, fs, __pad0.  */
# define REG_ERR        REG_ERR
# define REG_CR2        REG_CR2

Here are the enum and macro definitions for the gregset_t type, now let’s take the register at the 17th offset:

# define REG_RIP        REG_RIP

I’ll point out that I made a horrible mistake of forgetting to 1-index the 16 and accidentally thought it was REG_RSP, thank god you didn’t see that. There we go, thanks to the SO answer and now we’re slightly a step closer, just now we need to fill in the rest of the fucking gaps!

   0x0000000008001946:  mov    0xa8(%rdx),%rax
   0x000000000800194d:  lea    0x28(%rdx),%rsi
   0x0000000008001951:  lea    0x2(%rax),%rdi
   0x0000000008001955:  add    $0xe,%rax
   0x0000000008001959:  mov    %rax,0xa8(%rdx)
   0x0000000008001960:  jmpq   0x8001ee0

And we’re back to this, except now we know 0xa8(%rdx) = REG_RIP, i.e. the address of the instruction after ud2, now we can also derive 0x28(%rdx) as the member at the +40th offset from ucontext_t which is simply the beginning of the gregs member, hence %rsi = &(ucontext_t->mcontext_t.gregs), and %rax = <addr. of instr after ud2>, %rdi is add %al,(%rax) as add (%rax),%al is 2 bytes in length. %rax += $0xe makes %rax the instruction 12 bytes afterwards, which we can see here:

   0x0000000008001190:  ud2
   0x0000000008001192:  add    (%rax),%al <=========\\ from here
   0x0000000008001194:  add    %al,(%rax)           ||
   0x0000000008001196:  add    %al,(%rax)           ||
   0x0000000008001198:  add    %al,(%rax)           ||
   0x000000000800119a:  or     %ecx,0xb0f0000(%rip) ||
   0x00000000080011a0:  add    (%rax),%al <=========// to here 
   0x00000000080011a2:  add    %al,(%rax)
   0x00000000080011a4:  add    %al,(%rax)
   0x00000000080011a6:  add    %al,(%rax)
   0x00000000080011a8:  and    $0x0,%al
   0x00000000080011aa:  or     %al,(%rax)
   0x00000000080011ac:  ud2
   0x00000000080011ae:  add    %al,(%rax)
   0x00000000080011b0:  add    %al,(%rax)
   0x00000000080011b2:  add    %al,(%rax)
   0x00000000080011b4:  add    %al,(%rax)
   0x00000000080011b6:  sub    (%rax),%al
   0x00000000080011b8:  add    %al,(%rax)
   0x00000000080011ba:  ud2

And, to be honest, these instructions are either hand-written, or very badly optimized, but we’ll figure that out later. mov %rax,0xa8(%rdx) moves the address of that add (%rax),%al into the old %rip, and finally we jump to 0x8001ee0.

   0x0000000008001ee0:  movzbl 0x8(%rdi),%edx
   0x0000000008001ee4:  lea    0x201195(%rip),%rax        # 0x8203080
   0x0000000008001eeb:  jmpq   *(%rax,%rdx,8)

0x8(%rdi) is the double-word at the address of the add (%rax),%al plus 0x8, which is just or %ecx,0xb0f0000(%rip), which is:

(gdb) x/d 0x000000000800119a
0x800119a:      9

Hence, at the first point, %edx = 9, %rax = 0x8203080, and we jump to [0x8203080 + %rdx * 8], which in the first case would be [0x8203080 + 9 * 8] which is 0x82030c8:

   0x00000000082030c8:  ficompl (%rdx)
   0x00000000082030ca:  add    %cl,(%rax)
   0x00000000082030cc:  add    %al,(%rax)
   0x00000000082030ce:  add    %al,(%rax)
   0x00000000082030d0:  cli
   0x00000000082030d1:  sbb    (%rax),%al
   0x00000000082030d3:  or     %al,(%rax)

ficompl is a part of the floating-point coprocessor instruction-set which translates to ficomp in non-AT&T (the flavour made it harder to find smh), now we have to look at the FPU stack, since ficomp compares the operand with ST(0), it implies that there’s something on the FPU stack, and that %rdx is a valid address


  • %rdx is 9 in the first iteration
  • the fpu stack should be empty
  • it doesn’t jump anywhere, it legit does a cli 4 instructions ahead ?????????

After a few hours of research into the x87 FP coprocessor, I looked at the writeup for the crackme and the only reason i got ficompl, is because I misaligned my disposition in the early stages, the RIP pointer wasn’t supposed to point at the add instruction, rather the ud2, which seems retarded of me in hindsight, but I figured it was some algorithm.

What a tard. I’ll pick an easier crackme next time that doesn’t involve signals. At least I learned more about the x87 implementation, GDB usage and UNIX signals, it was worth it I suppose.

Thanks for reading.